Exciting news!
The address of the new full-time Parramatta Hapkido Dojang was released in the Kids and Adult classes !
The address of our new Parramatta Hapkido Dojang is...
Drum roll>>>>>
...wait for it...
90 Alfred Street Parramatta
No doubt a lot of you in your excitement about the new Hapkido Dojang will already be grabbing your car keys or begging your parents to hop in the car and drive you right over there so you can see what the new Hapkido Dojang looks like. But can I suggest that you've waited this long already, perhaps waiting a little while longer would be a good idea so that you don't spoil the surprise?
The official opening of the new Full-Time Parramatta Hapkido Dojang is only 1.5 weeks away... not long to go now and it will be all the better on the day if you don't take a sneak peak just yet!
All good things come to those who wait.
2nd Official Photo Released!
Without wanting to give too much away, below is the second official photo to be released of the new Parramatta Hapkido Dojang.
The new Hapkido Dojang is nearing completion and work over the weekend went well.
Just a reminder the Grand Opening of our new training facility is on Saturday 8 November 2008, commencing 11am.
This will be your first chance to see the new Parramatta Hapkido Dojang in all its glory with a very special surprise in store on the day for all Complete Self Defence students!