Wednesday, December 31, 2008

08 was great! ... the year gone by

Here's a brief re-cap of what went on with our Complete Self Defence Hapkido in 2008, with links to the Hapkido Forum, Master G's blog and this blog. There is no doubt that '08 was great!'

We had the opportunity to 'pose' and have some professional pictures taken with family and Hapkido friends. With so many taken you've got to have a couple to treasure.
One of the biggest events during the year was Moorebank's CSD renovation, truly a fresh face and new beginning for the Dojang. It also marked the start of the OTR Sydney, again an awesome mix of instructors, techniques and fun with Masters Tooby, Cale, Floro and MG.

We also held our 10th Annual Ki Award Celebration to announce our yearly award winners (called 'Ki Awards') and to hold a dress-up dinner. This was the last of the current Ki Awards and it was fantastic to have all the nominees in attendance (a new award series will be announced next year).
Of course, the attendees certainly looked spectacular in their pants, shirts and dresses (not all at once of course). Throughout the night we congratulated the award winners (and heard their impromptu speeches), enjoyed the company of our Hapkido family and a good meal and competed in our first 'Martial Arts Trivia' night.

We did some travelling with the Sydney metropolitan Dojangs kicking off the first year of the 'Tri-Series' seminars (lookout in 2009 for this series, bigger and better):

And our Regional Dojangs hosted wonderful OTR's in Melbourne (Power Hapkido) and Wagga Wagga with great hospitality and events; 'old skoole' and the world famous Hapkido olympics.

Back in Moorebank CSD there was more training, training, training throughout the year. We had Technical Focus Classes taught by MG on 'kicking', 'striking' and 'difficult techniques' (to name a few) and several Black Belt Club Seminars including 'Free sparring' and 'Street fighting for beginners'. Of course there was the 'Sun Bae' training for Red and above, instructors courses, along with the UHS Lite and the Return of Hell Week.

We also managed some Senior Degree promotions along with Colour Belt promotions througout the year!

And did we mention the opening of the full-time Parramatta Dojang? What a year!

To wrapup this 'look-back' we must go back to the start of '08 where we held a huge celebration to herald the 15th Anniversary of the AHG in style.
With the return of guest instructors Sirs Terry and Elias along with techniques presented by Sirs John, Jimmy, Phil, Hassan and Maam Tina, the day was a fantastic gathering of Hapkido family (past and present).
Master Geoff wrapped up the day with some techniques and fending off the '20 questions' from the crowd where he shared his thoughts on the creation of our Hapkido and his experiences with GM Ji Han Jae.

Look out for the New Year which is coming fast and full - it's already packed to the rafters so check out the list of 2009 events now!

The CSD Team

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