Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wrapup for January

January was a great lead into 2009. While it's the Year of the Ox every where else, this month marked a great start to The 'Year of Quality' for Hapkido at CSD, Moorebank. Read on to catch the 'wrapup of January'.

Hell Camp III - Confirmed
Master Geoff has announced that Hell Camp III will go ahead in June (19-21), the dates posted previously. (It seems the Year of the Ox has been good to that little Hapkidoist longing for Hell Camp)

But we can't rest there because we still need more students to join the fun. So come on and challenge yourself.

Students of the Month
Congratulations to the following students of the month:
Angelo T - Hawk
Nicholas S - Falcon
Mira K - Adult

New Members
Welcome to the new members who joined our family during January:
Joel F
Linden B
Leanne L
Rosendo B
Ronald T
William K

Colour Belt Grading
And finally, the first 2009 Colour Belt Grading was held at Moorebank.

The CSD Team