Monday, March 30, 2009

What a fantastic Hapkido-filled weekend!

WOW! What a fantastic weekend!

It all began with the 5 Elements Seminar on Saturday.

5 hours of fun-filled Hapkido, there was something in this seminar for everyone. There were 38 students on the mats, the Dojang was buzzing with the fun and excitement of learning new techniques, of trying new stuff, of students at all levels able to play around with techniques they would otherwise not have gotten the chance to see, let alone practice!

There were takedowns and throws even white belts could try. There was pain enhancement and students were surprised that the techniques they had learnt could hurt even more with the application of 3 letters - T, L and/or C!

And once we had learnt how to enhance pain, we went through how to control pain, how to turn pain off! So easy and so effective - AWESOME!!

A personal favourite, we saw how easy it is to knock people out, with one of the Black Belts going down like a sack of spuds (yes, and all caught on film for later enjoyment!)

A highlight was the students of varying levels who lined up to feel what it was like to get knocked out, Master Geoff making his way through the crowd like the messiah healing people.

And ofcourse we finished up with Ki, every student getting to break a piece of wood using only Ki. Always a seminar favourite!

But that was only half the weekend!

Sunday was a Sun Bae training day for red belts and above. A great opportunity for senior belts to work through coloured belt syllabus material, the Black Belts to play with the new Black Belt syllabus, and senior students to spend some quality mat time with Master Geoff on their techniques.

There were 11 senior belts on the mats at the Sun Bae, and the training day was of huge benefit to every student in attendance.

Well done to those students who managed to do both days, no doubt today is a huge let down after a jam-packed Hapkido weekend like the one we just had!

What a brilliant weekend, what a fantastic way to kick off the IHA International Training Seminar!

For more photos from the fun-filled Hapkido weekend, click here.

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