Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sep - Oct 2009: What's on during these months?

Web check:! Further details for what's on can be found at the Hapkido forum and Hapkido facebook page!

September Events

AHG Sydney Belt Test @ Hurstville *All Belts*: Sunday 27 September (followed by)... Grand Master G's special Seminar

Come along and support your Hapkido family!

October Events

A heads up on the very hectic October including the Hell Week, OTR, 4th Anniversary dinner and Sun Bae training!

Sun Bae - 'Senior belt training': Sunday 4 October

U Hok Saeng - 'Hell Week': Monday 5 October - Friday 9 October

OTR (On The Road) Sydney 4*: Saturday 10 October - Sunday 11th October
*Kwan Nyom Hapkido 10th Anniversary!: Saturday 10 October starting at 6:30pm

AHG Sydney Grading Pre Test @ Moorebank *Blue/Brown/Red*: Saturday 24 October

Black Belt Club Seminar *Art of Self Defence*: Saturday 31 October

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